PT 🇵🇹🇧🇷
Os ainda Noivos convidaram-me para uma série de actividades relacionadas com a música no seu Casamento, nomeadamente a de tocar com outros Convidados no Notário e ainda a de colocar Música durante o evento.
Ao tocar na cerimónia formal no notário não tinha a ideia do quanto especial foi esse momento, a começar pelo salão do "Standesamt der Stadt" em Fürstenfeldbruck, iluminado pelo sol da manhã que através de umas janelas enormes conferiam uma clássica elegância ao requintado chão de madeira, às paredes alaranjadas por painéis de azulejos e ao tecto suavemente pintado nas vigas estruturais e adornado por um central candelabro.
A um canto das cerca de cinco filas de cadeiras estufadas num castanho aveludado estavam os 4 convidados que iam tocar, eu no Saxofone Tenor, a Joana na Guitarra e Cavaquinho, o Gianni na Guitarra Eléctrica e Baixo e o Tiago no Cajón. Ao longo dos últimos meses tínhamos tocado mensagens sobre o que deveríamos tocar mas somente ensaiamos na véspera os quatro momentos musicais que conferiram esta união tão especial e formal.
Primeiro momento foi a entrada do Noivo, que nos pediu para tocar o "I wish you were here" dos Pink Floyd em alusão ao tradicional atraso da Noiva. E assim aconteceu, com a melodia inicial suportada pelo Saxofone que maravilhosamente casou com a Guitarra e Voz do Gianni.
De seguida entrou a Noiva que tinha sugerido algo que nós não tocamos todos os dias mas fazia e faz todo o sentido, a "Pretty Woman" do Roy Orbisson. Fabuloso momento novamente com a Guitarra Eléctrica ajudada pela Guitarra amplificada da Joana e o ritmo certinho do Tiago, o feedback levantou algum desconforto com a entrada do Saxofone mas correu tudo extraordinariamente bem.
O terceiro momento foi o mais arrojado, falamos do tema instrumental do filme "O Gladiador" que sendo originalmente criado para uma orquestra com muitas cordas nos criou um desafio enorme. Felizmente no ensaio do dia anterior o Gianni sugeriu ir para o baixo e conseguiu trazer uma estabilidade ao Saxofone e Guitarra da Joana que durante largos momentos atribuíram um misto de seriedade e improviso às assinaturas dos Noivos e Padrinhos.
O momento final foi o "All you need is Love" dos Beatles que coincidiu com a abertura das portas para os convidados saírem e num pequeno cortejo aguardarem o par agora consagrado. Com o Saxofone a fazer a entrada ('La Marseillaise', the French national anthem) e dando o mote para a voz e ritmo do Gianni aflorado no refrão pelo Cavaquinho da Joana ser um momento sublime e inesquecível.
Relativamente a colocar Música e tocar no resto do dia, foi uma honra enorme, é difícil detalhar tudo o que aconteceu mas os momentos mais marcantes foram:
Entrada do Casal | Carmina Burana seguido de uma panela estridente a abrir a "Festa"
Dança dos Ex Noivos | Nat King Cole com "L-o-v-e"
Dança que todos os Convidados deram o seu pezinho de dança| "Ai se ela me Pega" tocado ao vivo
Música ambiente que coloquei | Rui Veloso, Wes Montgomery, Sade e ainda muito Rock dos Anos 80 e 90 conforme solicitado. Toque de ouro tb do Tiago que colocou Marco Paulo e outros hits que agitaram de sobremaneira a pista.
O meu muito obrigado à Ana e Luís e o desejo do fundo do coração como amigos queridos que o são que tenham uma vida longa, feliz e muito musical ♥️

EN 🇬🇧🇺🇸
The couple getting married invited me to join in various music-related activities during their wedding day. These included playing music with other guests at the registrar's office and playing music during the ceremony.
When I performed at the official ceremony in the notary's office, I didn't know how unique that moment was. It all began in the hall of Fürstenfeldbruck's "Standesamt der Stadt", illuminated by the morning sun streaming through enormous windows, which gave a timeless refinement to the beautiful wooden floor, the orange tiled walls, and the ceiling softly painted on the structural beams and embellished by a central chandelier.
In a corner of the room, four guests prepared to perform music. I played the tenor saxophone, Joana played the guitar and cavaquinho, Gianni played the electric guitar and bass, and Tiago played the cajón. The chairs were covered in brown velvet and arranged in five rows. We had exchanged messages over the past few months to decide what to play, but we only rehearsed the four musical pieces that made this occasion special the day before.
The beginning was when the Groom appeared and requested that we play Pink Floyd's "I wish you were here" as the Bride is usually late. Therefore, we played it, starting with the Saxophone harmoniously joining Gianni's Guitar and Voice.
Soon after, the Bride entered and proposed that we play Roy Orbisson's Pretty Woman, which we don't play every day but it was fitting in this particular case. Fantastic moment once more with the Electric Guitar supported by Joana's amplified Guitar and Tiago's flawless rhythm. There was some slight discomfort from the Saxophone's feedback but everything went amazingly well.
The third moment was the boldest one yet. We discussed the instrumental score from the movie "The Gladiator", which was initially composed for an orchestra with numerous strings. Luckily, on the day before the event, Gianni proposed adding the bass which helped stabilize Joana's saxophone and guitar, providing a blend of solemnity and improvisation during the Bride and Groom's signatures.
To conclude, the guests exited and awaited the newly-wedded couple in a small procession accompanied by the Beatles' "All you need is Love". The Saxophone introduced the scene with 'La Marseillaise', France's national anthem, and set the ambiance for Gianni's song and rhythm. Joana's Cavaquinho supported Gianni in the chorus, making it a magnificent and unforgettable experience. Though it is challenging to recall all of the events, the most unforgettable ones were the couple's entry, Carmina Burana, and the party's opening with a loud bang.
It was the last moment of the celebration when the Beatles' "All you need is Love" played. As the doors opened, guests could leave and gather to witness the newlywed couple. The Saxophone played 'La Marseillaise', the French national anthem, and set the tone for Gianni's voice and rhythm to join in the chorus led by Joana's Cavaquinho. This moment was beautiful and one that shall never be forgotten.
Playing music all day was an enormous privilege. The Couple's arrival, Carmina Burana playing followed by a loud pan, letting everyone dance to "Ai se ela me Pega", while I played live background music with Rui Veloso, Wes Montgomery, Sade and plenty of 80s and 90s rock music as requested. It's tricky to recount every moment, however, the most unforgettable were as follows:
The Couple's arrival, Carmina Burana playing followed by a loud pan, letting everyone
Dance of the Bride and Groom who were previously married | Nat King Cole performing "L-o-v-e".
dance to "Ai se ela me Pega", while I played live background music with
Rui Veloso, Wes Montgomery, Sade and plenty of 80s and 90s rock music as requested.Tiago played some awesome songs, including Marco Paulo's hits, which got everyone dancing.
I'd like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Ana and Luís and wish them a joyful, music-filled life together ♥️
DE 🇩🇪🇦🇹🇨🇭🇳🇱🇱🇺
Die Brautpaar fragte mich, ob ich bei einigen Musik-Aktivitäten auf ihrer Hochzeit mitmachen würde, wie zum Beispiel in einer Gruppe mit anderen Gästen im Raum für Trauungen zu spielen oder während der Feier Musik zu machen.
Als ich bei der Zeremonie im Notariat musizierte, konnte ich nicht ahnen, wie besonderer dieser Moment war. Der Saal des Standesamts in Fürstenfeldbruck war hell erleuchtet von der Morgensonne, die durch riesige Fenster fiel. Die Fenster verliehen dem exquisiten Holzboden, den orangefarbenen Kachelwänden und der sanft bemalten Decke, die von einem zentralen Kronleuchter geschmückt wurde, eine klassische Eleganz.
In einer Ecke des Raumes saßen die vier Gäste, die instrumentell beitragen sollten: ich am Tenorsaxophon, Joana an Gitarre und Ukulele, Gianni an E-Gitarre und Bass und Tiago am Cajón. Wir hatten uns in den letzten Monaten gegenseitig mitgeteilt, was wir spielen sollten, aber erst am Tag zuvor probten wir die vier musikalischen Momente, die diesen Bund so besonders und feierlich machten.
Der Bräutigam kam herein und bat uns, Pink Floyds "I wish you were here" zu spielen, als Witz auf die Verspätung der Braut. Wir spielten die Anfangsmelodie auf dem Saxophon, begleitet von Giannis Gitarre und Stimme. Aber es passte perfekt.
Dann kam die Braut und schlug vor, Roy Orbissons "Pretty Woman" zu spielen, obwohl wir es nicht oft spielen. Ein wundervoller Moment mit der E-Gitarre, begleitet von Joanas verstärkter Gitarre und Tiagos perfektem Rhythmus. Als das Saxophon hinzukam, gab es etwas unangenehme Rückkopplungen, aber im Großen und Ganzen verlief alles sehr gut.
Der dritte Moment war der gewagteste. Wir haben über das Instrumentalthema aus dem Film "Der Gladiator" gesprochen. Es wurde ursprünglich für ein Orchester mit vielen Streichern geschrieben und stellte für uns eine große Herausforderung dar. Zum Glück schlug Gianni am Vortag während der Probe vor, zum Bass zu wechseln. Er schaffte es, das Saxophon und die Gitarre von Joana zu stabilisieren, was den Unterschriften des Brautpaares in vielen Momenten eine Mischung aus Ernsthaftigkeit und Improvisation verlieh.
Der letzte Augenblick war wunderschön, als sich die Tür für die Gäste öffnete und sie in kleiner Reihe auf das Paar warteten. Die Musik von den Beatles "All you need is Love" und die Melodie des Saxophons, das die französische Nationalhymne spielt, begleiteten die Stimme und Rhythmus von Giannis im Refrain von Joanas Cavaquinho und erweckten ein erhabenes und unvergessliches Gefühl.
Es war eine große Ehre, die Musik für den Rest des Tages aufzulegen und zu spielen. Es ist schwierig, alles aufzählen, was passiert ist, aber die denkwürdigsten Momente waren:
Der Einzug des Paares mit der Musik Carmina Burana, gefolgt von einer aufregenden Eröffnung der "Party".Das ehemalige Brautpaar tanzte zu Nat King Coles "L-o-v-e" und alle Gäste
tanzten mit.Die Musik, die ich auflegte, war eine Mischung aus Ambient-Musik, Rock aus den 80er und 90er Jahren sowie Rui Veloso, Wes Montgomery und Sade, wie es gewünscht wurde. Tiago spielte auch bekannte Lieder wie "Marco Paulo" und andere Hits, die zum Tanzen einluden.
Ich möchte Ana und Luís herzlich danken und wünsche ihnen als liebe Freunde ein langes, glückliches und musikalisches Leben ♥️